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Fibromyalgia Treatment That Works!
The Battlefield Of Fibromyalgia
"Make no mistakes. Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis that can lead to a battle."
It doesn't matter that you are suffering from chronic widespread pain, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. The average healthcare professional and, perhaps more importantly, your family members might not be able to fully appreciate the severity of your condition.
"The Large Majority of Physicians, Sociologists And Medical Historians are Skeptical About Fibromyalgia's Validity As A Clinical Medical Entity." Dr. Frederick Wolfe is a leading Fibromyalgia researcher."
Successful Fibromyalgia Treatment Can Be Elusive
Fibromyalgia, a common diagnosis and condition, can be difficult to treat. Nearly everyone knows someone with this condition, whether it's a family member, coworker or friend. We are sorry that you have to be that person. We know how devastating fibromyalgia can be on your family, work, and personal lives.
There are three things you need to know about fibromyalgia if you or someone you care about is suffering from it. The first, and most important, is that it isn't psychological. It is very real. It can be treated. It will take dedication and commitment on your part to defeat this potentially fatal disease.
Fibromyalgia Demographics
Fibromyalgia refers to pain in the muscles or connective tissue. Fibromyalgia is not the same thing as arthritis which affects the joints. Mohammed Yunus, a researcher, coined the term Fibromyalgia in 1981. Pronounced "fie-bro-my-AL-ja" - Fibromyalgia comes from 3 words: Fibra - meaning "fiber", myo – meaning muscle', and algo = meaning "pain".
Fibromyalgia Treatment
The effectiveness of chiropractic care in relieving chronic pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia has been proven. In 2000, a study showed that 60 patients were successfully treated with ischemic compression (gentle pressure on a trigger point by a skilled chiropractor) and spinal manipulation.
77.2 percent of patients who received 30 treatments reported a decrease or improvement in pain intensity, 63.5 percent reported improved sleep quality, and 74.85% reported an improvement in fatigue.
Many people suffering from fibromyalgia believe there is no cure. You should not believe that you will have to live with Fibromyalgia the rest of your lives. It will take effort and dedication on your part to change your lifestyle to live a happier life free of fatigue and chronic pain. You are the only person who can make fibromyalgia treatments work.
Our office specializes in Fibromyalgia Treatment, Especially for Difficult Fibromyalgia cases
Our office has had the privilege to help many people with headaches in our community. We specialize in Fibromyalgia relief for difficult cases. Call our office today if you are tired of Fibromyalgia and want to find alternative treatment.
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